Jewelry being an essential part of our lives depicts a lot about our ideas and perspectives. With time, the world of jewelry introduced shapes and elements that symbolize a special meaning and character to jewelry pieces. Among an array of shapes and designs, there’s one shape that never fails to mesmerize humans with its beauty and meaning. The heart shape.
Throughout history, the heart symbol in jewelry has been a popular and enduring emblem that has held great meaning and symbolism. In ancient civilizations, such as Egypt and Greece, the heart was believed to be the seat of the soul and the center of emotion. It was considered to be the source of love, compassion, and courage, making it a popular design element in jewelry.
In medieval Europe, the heart symbolized chivalry, devotion, and courtly love. The concept of courtly love was a popular theme in literature and art during this time, and the heart symbol was used to represent the love between a knight and his lady. Heart-shaped lockets and rings were popular gifts between lovers, and the heart was often incorporated into coat of arms and crests to signify loyalty and devotion.
During the Victorian era, the heart symbol in jewelry took on new meaning and symbolism. It was a time of great sentimentality, and jewelry was often used to express feelings of love and affection. Heart-shaped lockets and pendants became popular, and they were often adorned with precious gemstones and intricate engravings. Jewelry was used to commemorate the memory of a loved one, and heart-shaped jewelry was often worn as a sign of mourning.
In modern times, the heart symbol continues to hold great significance and meaning in jewelry. It is a popular design element in engagement rings, wedding bands, and anniversary gifts, representing the enduring love and commitment between two people. The heart also represents self-love and empowerment, reminding us of the importance of loving ourselves before we can love another fully.

18K Gold on Sterling Silver, Agate Stone, Mother-of-Pearl shell.
But there are a few heart designs that are tied to a particular feeling/emotion or we can say a phase of life that a person experiences.
An open heart symbolizes persistence in giving and receiving love. An open heart bearer is someone willing to give and receive an endless amount of love. It symbolizes a person’s desire to welcome love and good things into their lives.
The perfect symbol to express your love to your better half is a broken heart. How beautiful is it to give a part of your heart to someone who truly deserves it? This symbol represents the two halves of the heart when you are apart, only to make it a whole when you unite.
One of the most adorable heart symbols is the cupid arrow heart. The literal meaning of this symbol is deep-struck love. You know the feeling when you are so much in love that words cannot do justice to the way you feel. Well, then this is the symbol you need to say it all without actually saying it.
Expressing your love can be difficult at times because a feeling so special cannot be bounded within words. Love in itself is such a liberating expression that sometimes it requires a little more than just words. Heart shapes in jewelry have a long-held history as a symbol of love and endearment. So don’t ever hesitate to gift a charming heart to your loved ones, something that always reminds them of you.